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Utilizes information learned from the home visit, health history, and discharge orders presented in the simulation to develop a patient dialog.

Scripted Dialogue Portion( words count 250-300)

Utilizes information learned from the home visit,
health history, and discharge orders presented in the simulation to develop a
patient dialog.

addresses physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs of the


Scripted Dialogue Portion[EDC1]

APA format is not required for this part
of the assignment, but solid academic writingis expected.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae
Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge
Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Video dialogue

Nursing instructor,
Nursing student and a patient

Old women

When she walk on the
floor clutters on the floor( chance for fall)No appetite, sick stomach since
last 2 days, Talks about her late husband( she misses her husband), feels
( main complaint)


1.90/56 HR 58/mt RR 24/mt temp 97.8F wt 122lbs from last
Sunday which was 128lbs

Hospital admission 136lbs

Total wt loss 14lbs in 1 week

Lungs clear

Mucous membranes are

Bowel sounds are
hypoactive, Bowel movement in 3 days

No deformity on

Discharge orders

Need Oxygen( pt states
‘young doctor has crazy ideas and I don’t need any oxygen’)

Medication (‘these are my
three new prescriptions and my daughter did not fill these pillsl Sunday
afternoon because she works full time’)



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