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Paper Topic: Immunization;3 pages/ 825 words Style: APA Number of Sources: 1 Order Description: Imagine that you work for a state health department. Your supervisor has asked that you review vaccines for an upcoming training session for public health professionals. You will present this information in a professional report. For this report, you will select a vaccine-preventable disease or biological agent and describe the characteristics of a homeostatic system in both health and in a diseased state. Your report should include the pathophysiological impact on the body system affected in disease, how the disease functions in homeostasis, as well as a physiological explanation as to how the vaccine works. Assignment Directions The report should be on topic, original, and have clear foundations in evidence-based approaches. Assignments should be at least 3 pages double spaced, not including title page and references. Put your work in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name you will remember, using the following naming convention: username_assignmentname-unit#.doc.


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