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Health Communication Campaign—Audience Profile Analysis

This is extremely late. My class ends in 5 days, please read all material to get this done right! I have attached information!

Assignment 2: Health Communication Campaign—Audience Profile Analysis
In M1: Assignment 3, you chose a public health problem and described its history and background. Based on this, you started developing a health communication campaign for a specific population by identifying and explaining its goals and objectives.
You will continue to develop this health communication campaign in this assignment.
Using the readings for this module, conduct an audience profile analysis. Include the following:

Provide demographic information about the population the health problem affects.
Describe attitudes, norms, and beliefs about the health problem as they apply to the population of interest.
Explain possible stages of behavior change or levels of diffusion related to the health issue.

Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.
Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources


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